Objective: To generate coverage and build buzz around the forthcoming opening of luxury boutique property Masseria Trapanà in key luxury consumer titles. Leveraging the current popularity of Puglia as a ‘new and undiscovered’ destination for the UK traveller
- Organised a very successful visit for the founder of niche tour operator Bellini Travel and confirmed forthcoming visit for a member of the Mr & Mrs Smith team
- Secured press visits from high profile UK media – Maria Shollenbarger (FT How to Spend It, Conde Nast Traveler US) and Claire Wrathall (Daily Telegraph, Telegraph Luxury, Financial Times, House & Garden) before the property officially opened
- The Sales team assisted with planning a series of UK sales calls on a project basis
- Pre-launch activity resulted in 12 high profile pieces of coverage to date and 15 direct booking enquiries via MR office with others made directly to client. Achieving a circulation reach of 25,387, 055 and an advertising value £31,000 and PR value of £93,000. Confirmed pre-launch editorial pending in House & Garden (Hotels by Design), London Evening Standard & The Times currently